
Get work done faster with Flexperto’s E-Signature

Collect a legally-binding E-Signature from customers, directly within Flexperto. At the same time, reduce your document turnaround time and eliminate travel time.


Collect Advanced or Qualified E-Signatures from anywhere

Upload and Share

Upload any PDF document and add signature fields. Documents can be shared with customers by email or in real-time within a Flexperto video meeting.

Get Notified when Customers Sign

Customers can fill out missing details and sign with their smartphone or tablet. You can track customers’ progress and get alerted when they’ve completed.

Securely Store and Access

Documents are stored in the Flexperto dashboard and can be safely accessed at any time.

E-Contracts are signed 80% faster than traditional paper-based contracts.

Thousands of account managers, sales teams, service support, and claim management experts use Flexperto’s E-Signature feature for:

  • More efficient sales processes
  • Getting documents signed faster or in real-time
  • Higher completion rates
  • Availability to sign 24/7
  • Being 100% compliant with EIDAS regulation

Integrated into your workflows

Our E-Signature functionality can flexibly be used – no matter where or when:


Request signatures from any channel.

Upload and send via email, share during a live video meeting within Flexperto, or send via our Messenger app to popular chat channels like Whatsapp or Telegram.


Stay in the loop.

Track the status of customers’ signatures and get notified at each step.


Access historical documents in one place.

All documents are securely stored for you to view at any time.

Certified for enterprise-grade security and data protection

We take security seriously. Our E-Signature infrastructure meets the highest global security standards.

  • CRM integration for companies. Send contracts for e-signing without having to leave your crm.
  • Binding operational regulations. European Data Protection Authority (DPA) approval.
  • DSGVO. General data protection regulation of the European Union.
  • FES and Bipro262. More reliable in court than SMS-TAN or hidden-Tan.