The digital advisory service modernises the image of Berliner Volksbank toward disruptors
Satisfaction has increased significantly thanks to more contact availability
Customers want to be able to communicate with their advisors via WhatsApp
Telephone is not as personal as face-to-face meetings, and there is no way to view and collaborate on documents together.
Customer churns with migration risks to online banks such as N26, especially for young target groups, if the support cannot be provided digitally.
A newly designed product “MeinInvest” (digital investment assistant) could not be explained exclusively by telephone advice.
Existing communication tools were designed for internal communication and not suited for highly regulated industries such as banking. Or current solutions were simply not suitable for live-consultation, such as the online mailbox function.
Berliner Volksbank is now offering their banking services online via video chat and screensharing. This enabled the bank to gain more digital efficiency while providing new communications channels for personal advices, such as video.
Thanks to Flexperto’s web-based platform for communication, it is very easy for customers to start an online-meeting. Without any friction or installation required. A start-up founder in Tel-Aviv, for example, is now being supported by the Berliner Volksbank’s Start-up Centre with online advisory via video-chat, documents collaboration, screensharing and e-signature.
Important documents can be discussed in screensharing, so that the live-support comes at step closer to an on-site meeting.
“We believe that even in a digital world, personal advice will be an important component of the services we provide to our customers. Flexperto offers an ideal solution to this problem.”
– Andreas Laule, CEO of Berliner Volksbank Ventures.
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